Friday, January 30, 2009

Prayer Vigil for Immigration Reform

La Nueva Esperanza (UMC) 100 Burton SE Grand Rapids 49507, 7:00-7:30 pm, February 16

CRC Office of Social Justice, Micah Center, and Justice for Our Neighbors invite you to join a national call to prayer for the passage of immigration reform this year. Immigrants across our country are suffering from outdated policy, oppressive enforcement, and hateful rhetoric. Join people of faith across the country who are speaking alongside those who suffer, calling for a

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Doug Van Doren to address Micah Center

On February 3 2009, the pastor of Plymouth United Church of Christ in Grand Rapids, Doug Van Doren, will address the Micah Center social justice group on the issue of "waging peace." The meeting will take place at Hope Reformed Church (corner of Burton and Kalamazoo in Grand Rapids, MI) at 7:00 pm.

Monday, January 19, 2009

1.17.09 meeting

Fourteen members of the Micah Center Leadership Team met on Saturday morning, January 17th, at 9 AM at Hope Reformed Church to assess progress to date, identify issues, and plan for the future.

Notes are posted here.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

History of Micah Center

Micah Center formed in 2008, beginning as a reading group on social justice issues. Soon the group formed small action groups around three key issues in the Grand Rapids area: health care reform, environmental sustainability, and poverty. In the coming months, two new groups formed: immigration reform and restorative justice. Plenary speakers to the group have included Tom Boogaart (professor of Old Testament at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, MI), George Heartwell (mayor of Grand Rapids), and Earl James (coordinator of multiracial initiatives and social justice for the Reformed Church in America). The Micah Center is led by a steering committee. For more information, contact